Human papillomavirus (HPV) infections result in a substantial burden of disease globally. HPV causes cancers in both men and women, particularly cancer of the cervix (in females), other anogenital cancers and certain cancers of the mouth and throat (in both males and females). 

In 2007, Australia became one of the first countries to fund and implement a national HPV vaccination program which has had a significant impact on the incidence of HPV and associated disease, and now includes males as well as females.

This NCIRS seminar/webinar reflected on the success of the HPV vaccination program in Australia and explore opportunities for the future featuring some of Australia’s internationally recognised experts in the field.

Professor Rebecca Guy will present on the implementation and optimisation of HPV vaccination programs across Australia, with particular focus on school based programs. Associate Professor Julia Brotherton will then discuss how we can make the greatest future impact on HPV-related cancer burden. Additionally, Cristyn Davies will present on the factors affecting HPV vaccination uptake in adolescents and how providers can support parent and adolescent decision-making toward vaccination.


Video resources:


Associate Professor Julia Brotherton

jJulia Brotherton is a public health physician and Medical Director of VCS Population Health at the VCS Foundation. She is a medical graduate from the University of Newcastle, NSW, has a Masters degree in Public Health and a Doctorate of Philosophy from the University of Sydney and holds a Fellowship in Public Health Medicine. For the last 15 years, Julia has been involved in research and policy    development informing the implementation and evaluation of HPV vaccination programs in Australia. She has been a lead investigator in Australian research which has demonstrated the world’s first evidence of dramatic declines in both HPV infections and pre-cancerous cervical lesions in young women post- vaccination. 

Professor Rebecca Guy 

RRebecca Guy is a Professor in Epidemiology at the Kirby Institute for infection and immunity in society, Faculty of Medicine at UNSW. She has expertise in surveillance and evaluation of public health interventions related to HIV and sexually transmissible infections. Her research focuses on reducing the impact of HIV sexually transmissible infections (STIs) in vulnerable populations, including implementation and evaluation of point-of-care testing and prevention initiatives to reduce the transmission of HIV and STIs (including HPV) in a range of settings. Her research also focuses on optimising antibiotic treatment of STIs and using diagnostics to improve antibiotic stewardship. 

Cristyn Davies

CCristyn Davies is a Senior Research Associate in the Discipline of Child and Adolescent Health, Sydney University Clinical School, Children’s Hospital at Westmead, NSW, Australia. Her current research program includes 1) Adolescent knowledge about HPV vaccination; psycho-social outcomes, and vaccination uptake in school based and clinic vaccination programs in Australia; 2) Vaccination delivery systems (standard and Micro-projection Array Patch (MAP) technology); 3) Gender and sexuality diversity in children and young people with a focus on health, wellbeing, and educational outcomes; 4) Health education and Sexual Health and Relationships education both at school and in clinical/other environments for children and young people; 5) Qualitative research methods, design, consultation and analysis; 6) Implementation Science and Knowledge Translation.

Last updated February 2020