NCIRS conducts varied educational and professional development programs for students, advanced trainees and immunisation professionals more broadly. 

These educational programs and activities include:

Postgraduate degrees and traineeships

We offer a supportive research environment and mentoring for both postgraduate students and professional trainees to complete projects in a range of areas. This includes PhD and Master thesis project supervision, MPhil (Applied Epidemiology) placements and medical specialist advanced training programs (paediatric medicine). For more information about these programs and opportunities, visit our Join our team page

Undergraduate and postgraduate education and teaching 

Many NCIRS staff hold conjoint academic appointments with the University of Sydney. In this capacity, our staff give lectures and hold practical workshops in immunisation theory and practice, vaccine preventable diseases, epidemiology and immunisation in public health for a range of university and medical student courses.  NCIRS contributes to the curriculum of the Masters of Paediatrics course at the University of Sydney and teaches within the Honours program of the Faculty of Medicine and Health.

Annual Vaccines in Public Health Workshop 

NCIRS runs a unit through the University of Sydney called Vaccines in Public Health. The unit is offered as a 6 credit point elective subject in the Master of Public Health and Master of Global Health programs at the University of Sydney. It is also open to those not currently enrolled in the MPH/MIPH program who are interested in vaccines and public health. 

Doherty and NCIRS course in vaccinology and immunisation science

This practical online course is for people who want to broaden and update their understanding of vaccines, vaccine development and the principles underpinning the introduction and running of immunisation programs. Find out more here.

Professional development for immunisation professionals and researchers  

NCIRS leads and contributes to activities supporting immunisation policy and practice education in Australia and internationally. These include but are not limited to:

For further information or to request an NCIRS expert speaker for your immunisation education event, contact us.   

See also:

Education and training for healthcare professionals
Last updated May 2024