AIR Tip: How to record a planned catch-up schedule on the AIR

An AIR planned catch-up gives individuals additional time to receive vaccines overdue under the
National Immunisation Program (NIP) for the purpose of being eligible for family assistance
payments and enrolment in early learning services.

Planned catch-ups are:

  • only valid once
  • available to individuals under 20 years of age
  • only valid for 6 months.

A vaccination provider can indicate a planned catch-up where:

  • all overdue vaccines were unable to be administered at the appointment
  • serological testing for natural immunity has been ordered and results are pending
  • vaccines required for administration have been ordered
  • a child is being enrolled into an early childhood service.

The planned catch-up box should not be ticked if:

  • the individual has been vaccinated and is not currently overdue for any vaccines
  • it is anticipated that the parent/guardian does not intend to vaccinate the individual or the
    individual does not want to be vaccinated
  • a planned catch-up schedule is already in place
  • the individual qualifies for a medical exemption.

If a planned catch-up has been recorded, this will appear on individuals’ record on the AIR.

Recording a catch-up

A planned catch-up can be recorded on the AIR site or via software, where this function is enabled.

Using the AIR site

  • Log on and identify the individual.
  • If the individual is overdue for vaccines, the Planned Catch up option will be available for
  • Select your provider location.
  • Tick Planned Catch up for overdue vaccines, then select Save.
  • The planned catch-ups will be displayed in the Planned Catch up section, along with the expiry
    date. The individual’s record will also show the Planned Catch up indicator under the personal
    details section.

Using software

Your software vendor can provide advice on how to record a planned catch-up using software.

Using the immunisation encounter (IM018) or immunisation history (IM013) forms

Where access to the AIR site or software is not available, providers can complete the IM018 form (for
vaccinations by the provider completing the form) or the IM013 form (for vaccinations performed by
another provider) and submit via Health Professionals Online Services (HPOS).

eLearning module: Report a Planned Catch Up to the AIR

A module is now available that explains how vaccination providers can report a planned catch-up for
overdue vaccines to the AIR; it can be found here.

Further information and useful links


View additional AIR tips here


Last updated May 2024