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Torvaldsen S, Simpson JM, McIntyre P. Effectiveness of pertussis vaccination in New South Wales, Australia, 1996 to 1998. European Journal of Epidemiology 2003;18:63-9.. [Abstract]

Burgess M, Forrest J. Congenital rubella. In: Elliott E, Ridley G, Rose D, Morris A, Redmond D, Fowler J (eds) . Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit Ninth Annual Report 2001. Sydney: APSU; 2002. p.25. [Abstract]

McIntyre P, Isaacs D, Merianos A, Hogg G, Gilbert L, Roberton D. Invasive Haemophilus influenzae infection. In: Elliott E, Ridley G, Morris A, Redmond D, Williams G (eds) . Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit Eighth Annual Report 2000. Sydney: APSU; 2001. p.16-8. [Full text]

McIntyre P, Elliott E, Morris A, Ridley G, Massie J, McEniery J, Knight G. Hospitalised pertussis in infancy. In: Elliott E, Ridley G, Rose D, Morris A, Redmond D, Fowler J (eds) . Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit Ninth Annual Report 2001. Sydney: APSU; 2002. p.11-4. [Abstract]

McIntyre P, Elliott E, McEniery J, Massie J, Knight G, Ridley G, Morris A. Hospitalised pertussis in infancy. In: Elliott E, Ridley G, Morris A, Redmond D, Williams G (eds) . Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit Eighth Annual Report 2000. Sydney: APSU; 2001. p.44-5. [Abstract]

Burgess M, Forrest J. Congenital rubella. In: Elliott E, Ridley G, Morris A, Redmond D, Williams G (eds) . Australian Paediatric Surveillance Unit Eighth Annual Report 2000. Sydney: APSU; 2001. p.27-8. [Abstract]

MacIntyre CR, Gay NJ, Gidding H, Hull B, Gilbert GL, McIntyre P. A mathematical model to measure the impact of the Measles Control Campaign on the potential for measles transmission in Australia. International Journal of Infectious Diseases 2002;6:277-82. [Full text]

Torvaldsen S, Hull BP, McIntyre PB. Using the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register to track the transition from whole-cell to acellular pertussis vaccines. Communicable Diseases Intelligence. 2002; 26:581-3. [Full text]