Under the Australian Immunisation Register Act 2015 , it is mandatory for vaccination providers to report all influenza vaccines to the AIR. Influenza vaccines administered overseas by a recognised vaccination provider can also be reported to AIR.

Using the AIR

  • Select the correct vaccine, enter the batch number and select the vaccine type (mandatory fields). Under the ‘Vaccine type’ field, the following options are available: 
Vaccine typeExample
AntenatalVaccine is administered to an individual who is pregnant.
NIP/Commonwealth Vaccine is funded under the National Immunisation Program (NIP) or by the Australian Government (i.e. NIP and COVID-19 vaccines). 
PrivateVaccine is not funded under the NIP and is purchased privately (e.g. travel and influenza vaccines).
State programVaccine is funded under a state or territory program. 
Refer to your local state or territory health department for further information. 


  • Where an individual is pregnant, providers should report the ‘Antenatal’ option in the first instance, regardless of whether the vaccine is funded privately or by the Australian Government or a state/territory program.
  • To avoid selection error, use the full vaccine brand name when conducting a search. 
  • If the vaccine was administered overseas and the batch number is not available, enter ‘notrecorded’ (one word, no spaces).

For more information on sending immunisation data to the AIR, see the infographic ‘Submitting information using the AIR site’ here.

Using software

  • Select the correct vaccine name, vaccine code, vaccine type and batch number (mandatory fields).
  • Ensure the latest software version is installed, to enable the full list of 2024 influenza vaccines, and make sure you meet reporting requirements.
  • If these fields are not yet available in your software, vaccinations can still be reported to the AIR. Record the new fields through the AIR site using the ‘Update encounter’ function as soon as is practical. 

Using a form uploaded via HPOS Form Upload

  • Providers without access to the AIR site or software can record vaccination details using the immunisation encounter (IM018) or immunisation history (IM013) forms and upload via HPOS Form Upload.
  • It can take up to 14 days to update an individual’s AIR record when a vaccination encounter is submitted using a form. Services Australia can assist with setting up access to the AIR to lodge vaccination data directly without the need for a form.  

Information about using the HPOS Form Upload function to lodge forms with the AIR is available here.


  • Ensuring the correct vaccine (based on age requirements) is administered and reported will prevent a vaccine administration error being recorded and the need for follow-up by Services Australia.
  • Individuals can now access an Influenza and COVID-19 immunisation history statement.

Further information 


View additional AIR tips here


Last updated May 2024