COSSI mailing list

The COSSI mailing list is a way for COSSI members to communicate with each other. Members use the mailing list to share information about news items, publications, meetings, conferences and other items of interest. It also acts as a forum for questions and feedback, as well as an avenue for rapid information about media controversies. All messages to the mailing list are moderated.


  • Knowledge Exchange Meetings

    COSSI Knowledge Exchange Meetings take place bimonthly. The objectives of these meetings are to share and discuss information about recent research and program issues, find solutions and develop partnerships. We look forward to your participation in the meetings.

    To stay informed about the upcoming meetings, join COSSI here.

    The following is a list of past COSSI Knowledge Exchange Meetings.


    3 June

    Professor Maya J Goldenberg, University of Guelph (Canada): Myth-busting or meaning-making? Public science communications and the infodemic


    30 October

    Dr Jess Kaufman, Assoc. Prof. Jane Frawley, Dr Kerrie Wiley and Belle Overmars provided updates from the Australian Regional Immunisation Alliance (ARIA)

    28 August

    Dr Kerrie Wiley, University of Sydney/COSSI: Embedding social science into public health and disease control: Informing best practice for a future Australian Centres for Disease Control

    27 February

    Dr Ikram Abdi, NCIRS: Peer-to-peer communication about vaccines using motivational interviewing


    26 September

    COSSI student/early career researchers' presentations

    28 March

    Professor Francesco Paolucci and Marcello Antonini, the University of Newcastle: COVID-19 vaccination campaigns: what lessons can Australia learn from abroad to inform future policies?


    30 October

    Dr Jess Kaufman, Assoc. Prof. Jane Frawley, Dr Kerrie Wiley, Belle Overmars provided updates from the Australian Regional Immunisation Alliance (ARIA)

    29 November 

    Dr Sami Carlson, Telethon Kids Institute: Coronavax: Preparing community and government

    Dr Jane Frawley, University of Technology Sydney: COVID-19 decision aid: an online, interactive resource to help people make decisions about the COVID-19 vaccine

    27 September

    Professor Helen Bedford, University College London: The UK COVID-19 vaccine roll-out: stories from the front line

    31 May

    Dr Katie Attwell, University of Western Australia: Expert bricolage and the production of ideas for global health crisis: a case study of vaccine hesitancy


    26 October

    Dr Susan Thomas and Dr Kasia Bolsewicz, University of Newcastle: Using the WHO’s Tailoring Immunization Programmes (TIP) guide in communities in NSW; similarities, local differences and implications for health services

    31 August

    Professor Kirsten McCaffery, University of Sydney: Understanding public responses to information and misinformation about COVID-19 in Australia

    24 February

    Ikram Abdi, University of New South Wales: Exploring the barriers and facilitators of immunisation in refugee and migrant communities: an east African case study


    26 August

    Dr Holly Seale, University of New South Wales: Engaging individuals with influenza vaccination

    17 June

    Tomas Rozbroj, Monash University, Alfred Hospital: Reflections on research examining the broader factors behind vaccine refusal in Australia

    29 April

    Maryke Steffens, NCIRS: Countering misinformation on social media

  • Seminars and webinars

    COSSI seminars and webinars take place several times a year. The objective of these events is to share knowledge about social science and immunisation and encourage dialogue, especially with an audience who may not belong to COSSI.

    To stay informed about upcoming seminars and webinars, join COSSI.


    Recent webinars

    26 July 2021 – Mandatory COVID-19 vaccination

    Vaccination against COVID-19 is the main tool for bringing the world out of the COVID-19 pandemic. Mandatory vaccination has been debated as a strategy to get high vaccination coverage and protect individuals in certain settings.

    This webinar considered the policy, behavioural, ethical and epidemiological aspects of mandating COVID-19 vaccination.

    View the video of this webinar to:

    • find out what vaccination mandates are, who they may be used for and how they could be delivered
    • hear about the governance and political aspects of vaccination mandates
    • hear about epidemiological, behavioural and social considerations of mandates, including effectiveness
    • hear about ethical considerations of vaccine mandates for adults.


    • Webinar chair – Associate Professor Margie Danchin
    • Dr Katie Atwell
    • Associate Professor James Wood
    • Professor Julie Leask
    • Dr Jane Williams



    22 June 2020 – Risk communication – How can we best integrate social science into health emergency work to ensure effective risk communication?

    Risk communication is an integral part of any public health emergency response and it is vital to ensure that people at risk can understand the threat and adopt protective behaviours, without causing panic. In light of recent global measles outbreaks, COVID-19 and other infectious disease threats, COSSI hosted a webinar to discuss and understand what underpins effective risk communication and community engagement and how we can do this better in our own work and in our communities.

    The webinar featured the following speakers, who reflected on their own experiences in risk communication and engagement and shared how these strategies can be adopted in the future.


    Professor Julie Leask, Susan Wakil School of Nursing and Midwifery, Sydney Nursing School, University of Sydney

    Julie discussed the foundations of risk communication and how to communicate well in a crisis, with a focus on measles and COVID-19.

    Kristy Crooks, PhD Candidate and Aboriginal Program Manager at Hunter New England Local Health District

    Kristy spoke about engaging with First Nations peoples in making decisions around public health emergencies, with a focus on H1N1 and COVID-19.

    Diane Summers, Senior Adviser in the Immunisation Team at UNICEF

    Diane focused on the role of risk communication and engagement during COVID-19 globally, including the impact of COVID on immunisation services and demand.


    View the webinar recording below:

  • Workshops

    COSSI workshops take place annually. Every second year, these workshops take place in conjunction with the PHAA National lmmunisation Conference.

    To stay informed about upcoming COSSI workshops, join COSSI.

    A recent workshop

    Improving vaccine confidence demand & uptake (COSSI workshop 2019)

    This two-part workshop, organised in conjunction with NCIRS, helped participants develop their vaccine communication skills and apply behavioural insights to strengthen immunisation programs and improve vaccine uptake.

    Experts from the World Health Organization Regional Office for Europe, along with Australian experts, gave a variety of presentations and facilitated case-based practice working sessions.

    Responding to vaccine critics (Part 1) focused on improving immunisation providers' and researchers’ skills and confidence in using evidence-based vaccine communications techniques when responding to vocal vaccine critics, particularly in the public arena.

    Using the WHO Tailoring Immunisation Program (TIP) approach (Part 2) showed participants how immunisation programs can use behavioral insights to identify contextual barriers and tailor strategies to improve vaccine programs and coverage.