Optimising Q fever vaccination in Australia: Protecting our rural adolescents Safety and immunogenicity of Q fever vaccine in children aged 10 to less than 15 years old Why is this study needed?Q fever is a highly infectious disease caused by Coxiella burnetti. More than 450 cases are notified in Australia annually.There is an effective Q fever vaccine – Q-VAX® – that is recommended for those considered to be in ‘occupational at-risk’ groups, such as abattoir workers, veterinarians and farmers.Currently, Q-VAX® is only licensed for use in those aged 15 years and over, because initial vaccine trials did not include children under 15. As a result, children and adolescents younger than 15 years of age who are at risk of contracting Q fever – because they live on farms or near abattoirs or are children of ‘at-risk’ workers – cannot currently be vaccinated. What do we want to achieve?Determine the safety and immunogenicity (immune responses) of a Q fever vaccine in children and adolescents aged 10 years to less than 15 years. How are we doing it?Researchers are administering Q-VAX® to healthy children aged 10 years to less than 15 years across New South Wales and Queensland who are at potential risk of Q fever infection.They are also administering Q-VAX® to healthy adolescents and adults aged 15 years to less than 30 years across these states, who will act as a control group.Following a routine pre-vaccination skin test and serology screening, serial serology testing (blood tests) will also be performed six and 12 months following vaccination. Where are we up to?Recruitment of study participants is currently underway. How to take partTo book a Q fever study appointment, contact the Q fever study team at SCHN-QFever@health.nsw.gov.au. More information Adult participant information sheet/consent form (.pdf) [281.1 KB] Young person participant information sheet (.pdf) [248.27 KB] Parent/guardian participant information sheet/consent form (.pdf) [289.12 KB] If you have questions about the study or would like further information, please email the Q fever study team at SCHN-QFever@health.nsw.gov.au. 916 views